Here is the transcription of a translation of another page in the final Negima chapter:
1 (Yue): No, I mean... Master.
2 (Negi): Hahaha. Please stop calling me "Master."
3 (Negi): You're already a fine mage.
Box 1: [Ad for some DVD]
4: You've been a great help protecting Mahora, Yue-san.
5: I haven't really...
6: Good grief, you again, Piao Two-san?
7: Do you know her?
8: She's a mercenary. We've fought quite a few times.
FT1: So she was a little girl?
9: You're now under arrest!
10: Not that you'll tell us the name of your boss, I expect.
11: Mofufu, that's right. I was just having some fun this time, actually.
12: That's even worse!
[Bottom of the page has three small panels]
13: What's going on? An explosion? Terrorists?
14: Wait, look! Over there! It's Negi!
SFX1: ザク ザク zaku zaku
15: Looks like your ward has been undone. (aside) We have to tidy this up.
16: Huh, Negi?!
17: Huh...? Negi? That Negi...?
18: Kyaah--!
[middle panel]
19: Aaah--!! I thought I remembered you from somewhere...
20: You're Negi-san! The one who's always on TV!!
SFX2: どよ どよ doyo doyo
21: You're right! C-can I have your autograph?
[left panel]
22: B-but more importantly, why are you here, at Mahora, today...?
FT# Free Text # (not part of any balloon)
Note: Satsuki doesn't speak in this chapter, but whenever she has spoken, her words have been in free text.
SFX* Sound Effect # Usually but not always, sound effects are written with freehand katakana, often quite stylized.
Your mileage may vary. This translation isn't mine; it was done by the team at Red Hawk Scans. I'm going to compare this with the translation from dowolf when it comes out; you can find dowulf here.
Also, here's what you get if you look for anything on Megaupload now:

So don't bother clicking on any of my uplinks to my stuff that used to be on Megaupload. Well, we won't be doing any more of this. This is a scarier banner than the FBI warning that appeared at the beginning of all commercial videotapes, which meant, of course, no one ever even thought of pirating them, even the porn.
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